Monday, May 9, 2011

Dear Journal...

Dear Journal,
                As you have been hearing about continuously for the past few months, the school year is almost over. In the waning hours that remain of my high school education, I would like to take a moment to write a farewell entry to my fellow AP English classmates.
Looking back over the years, I am all too aware of the various trials and tribulations of AP English. These trials were demanding feats requiring an insurmountable amount of hard work and dedication. I remember staying up until 5:30 am the night that the first data sheet was due. Crying. And ultimately regretting my decision to continue with AP English. Other moments of such despair were caused by memorizing quotes, writing the Amsterdam essay, having the killers and Truman Capote from In Cold Blood get into my head, and having to face my ever daunting fear of public speaking.
However, the bad parts of AP English only made the good parts even better.  After all the hard work that we put into the class, the humorous moments woven into our every day banter makes the class much more worthwhile. Proposing that we huddle under our desks for seven years like Harriet Jacobs, playing the human knot game, winning multiple choice games, winning CANDY, going on field trips, reading about plums, hearing about Ms. Serensky’s life, winning CANDY, laughing at the hilarity of people’s incompetence, Ms. Serensky’s jokes, and winning CANDY, made all the trials of AP English worthwhile.
Ultimately, I would not like to dwell on this high school experience, but rather use it order to embrace and conquer the future with more intelligence, poise, and ferocity. Thank you AP English for making me a much more intelligent, well-rounded person. It’s been real.
Until next time trusty journal,
                                 Nicola Zollinger

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